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» Tools
Banished (game) - Colonial Charter mod charts and information
Hades's Star (game) - miner calculator
VGA Planets (game) Calculator
Model Railroad Calculator
.htaccess Password Generator
Base64 Encoder / Decoder
CPUID decoder
Code128 Barcode Generator
Color Picker
Color Picker (configurable)
Date Converter
Degree-Minute-Second vs. Decimal Degrees Converter
ED2K (eDonkey / eMule) ID converter
FavIcon Converter
HTML Entities decoder (é -> é)
HTML Entities list (é -> é)
Hexadecimal-Binary Encoder / Decoder
IP Address (what is my IP?)
IP Address List Sorter
IP Converter
Metric / Imperial Dimensions Converter
Password Generator
Quoted-Printable Entities decoder (=E9 -> é)
RGB Parade image color distribution analysis
Registry edit guide for "UserPreferencesMask" (TweakUI functionality for Vista (or any version of Windows))
Screen Aspect Ratio & Dimension Calculator
Text Splitter
Text Statistics Analyzer
Text String Length Sorter
Transport Fever map coordinates scaler
UUencode decoder / UUdecode
WINMAIL.DAT (aka TNEF) decoder
deciBel (dB) vs Amplitude converter Converter