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Character Entities

are used to create non ASCII characters in a Web page. Some sample characters you might need to create are ñ, à, é, etc...

Below are some examples and an explanation:

Numeric and Special Graphic Entities
The following table lists each of the supported characters specified in the Numeric and Special Graphic entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description. This list is derived from 'ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN' however HTML does not provide support for the entire entity set. Only the entities listed below are supported.

&lt;<Less-than sign
&gt;>Greater-than sign
&quot;"Double quote sign
&nbsp; Non-breaking space

ISO Latin 1 Character Entities
The following table lists each of the characters specified in the Added Latin 1 entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description.

This list is derived from 'ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN', and HTML does provide support for the entire entity set.

&Aacute;ÁCapital A, acute accent
&Agrave;ÀCapital A, grave accent
&Acirc;ÂCapital A, circumflex accent
&Atilde;ÃCapital A, tilde
&Aring;ÅCapital A, ring
&Auml;ÄCapital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
&AElig;ÆCapital AE dipthong (ligature)
&Ccedil;ÇCapital C, cedilla
&Eacute;ÉCapital E, acute accent
&Egrave;ÈCapital E, grave accent
&Ecirc;ÊCapital E, circumflex accent
&Euml;ËCapital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
&Iacute;ÍCapital I, acute accent
&Igrave;ÌCapital I, grave accent
&Icirc;ÎCapital I, circumflex accent
&Iuml;ÏCapital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
&ETH;ÐCapital Eth, Icelandic
&Ntilde;ÑCapital N, tilde
&Oacute;ÓCapital O, acute accent
&Ograve;ÒCapital O, grave accent
&Ocirc;ÔCapital O, circumflex accent
&Otilde;ÕCapital O, tilde
&Ouml;ÖCapital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
&Oslash;ØCapital O, slash
&Uacute;ÚCapital U, acute accent
&Ugrave;ÙCapital U, grave accent
&Ucirc;ÛCapital U, circumflex accent
&Uuml;ÜCapital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
&Yacute;ÝCapital Y, acute accent
&THORN;ÞCapital THORN, Icelandic
&szlig;ßSmall sharp s, German (sz ligature)
&aacute;áSmall a, acute accent
&agrave;àSmall a, grave accent
&acirc;âSmall a, circumflex accent
&atilde;ãSmall a, tilde
&auml;äSmall a, dieresis or umlaut mark
&aelig;æSmall ae dipthong (ligature)
&ccedil;çSmall c, cedilla
&eacute;éSmall e, acute accent
&egrave;èSmall e, grave accent
&ecirc;êSmall e, circumflex accent
&euml;ëSmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark
&iacute;íSmall i, acute accent
&igrave;ìSmall i, grave accent
&icirc;îSmall i, circumflex accent
&iuml;ïSmall i, dieresis or umlaut mark
&eth;ðSmall eth, Icelandic
&ntilde;ñSmall n, tilde
&oacute;óSmall o, acute accent
&ograve;òSmall o, grave accent
&ocirc;ôSmall o, circumflex accent
&otilde;õSmall o, tilde
&ouml;öSmall o, dieresis or umlaut mark
&oslash;øSmall o, slash
&uacute;úSmall u, acute accent
&ugrave;ùSmall u, grave accent
&ucirc;ûSmall u, circumflex accent
&uuml;üSmall u, dieresis or umlaut mark
&yacute;ýSmall y, acute accent
&thorn;þSmall thorn, Icelandic
&yuml;ÿSmall y, dieresis or umlaut mark

Numerical Character References
This list, sorted numerically, is derived from the ISO 8859/1 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set:

&#9; Horizontal tab
&#10; Line feed
&#11; Unused
&#12; Unused
&#13; Unused
&#32; Space
&#33;!Exclamation mark
&#34;"Quotation mark
&#35;#Number sign
&#36;$Dollar sign
&#37;%Percent sign
&#40;(Left parenthesis
&#41;)Right parenthesis
&#43;+Plus sign
&#46;.Period (fullstop)
&#47;/Solidus (slash)
&#48;00 (digit)
&#49;11 (digit)
&#50;22 (digit)
&#51;33 (digit)
&#52;44 (digit)
&#53;55 (digit)
&#54;66 (digit)
&#55;77 (digit)
&#56;88 (digit)
&#57;99 (digit)
&#60;<Less than
&#61;=Equals aign
&#62;>Greater than
&#63;?Question mark
&#64;@Commercial at
&#91;[Left square bracket
&#92;\Reverse solidus (backslash)
&#93;]Right square bracket
&#96;`Acute accent
&#123;{Left curly brace
&#124;|Vertical bar
&#125;}Right curly brace
&#160; Unused
&#161;¡Inverted exclamation
&#162;¢Cent sign
&#163;£Pound sterling
&#164;¤General currency sign
&#165;¥Yen sign
&#166;¦Broken vertical bar
&#167;§Section sign
&#168;¨Umlaut (dieresis)
&#170;ªFeminine ordinal
&#171;«Left angle quote, guillemotleft
&#172;¬Not sign
&#173;­Soft hyphen
&#174;®Registered trademark
&#175;¯Macron accent
&#176;°Degree sign
&#177;±Plus or minus
&#178;²Superscript two
&#179;³Superscript three
&#180;´Acute accent
&#181;µMicro sign
&#182;Paragraph sign
&#183;·Middle dot
&#185;¹Superscript one
&#186;ºMasculine ordinal
&#187;»Right angle quote, guillemotright
&#188;¼Fraction one-fourth
&#189;½Fraction one-half
&#190;¾Fraction three-fourths
&#191;¿Inverted question mark
&#192;ÀCapital A, acute accent
&#193;ÁCapital A, grave accent
&#194;ÂCapital A, circumflex accent
&#195;ÃCapital A, tilde
&#196;ÄCapital A, ring
&#197;ÅCapital A, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#198;ÆCapital AE dipthong (ligature)
&#199;ÇCapital C, cedilla
&#200;ÈCapital E, acute accent
&#201;ÉCapital E, grave accent
&#202;ÊCapital E, circumflex accent
&#203;ËCapital E, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#204;ÌCapital I, acute accent
&#205;ÍCapital I, grave accent
&#206;ÎCapital I, circumflex accent
&#207;ÏCapital I, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#208;ÐCapital Eth, Icelandic
&#209;ÑCapital N, tilde
&#210;ÒCapital O, acute accent
&#211;ÓCapital O, grave accent
&#212;ÔCapital O, circumflex accent
&#213;ÕCapital O, tilde
&#214;ÖCapital O, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#215;×Multiply sign
&#216;ØCapital O, slash
&#217;ÙCapital U, acute accent
&#218;ÚCapital U, grave accent
&#219;ÛCapital U, circumflex accent
&#220;ÜCapital U, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#221;ÝCapital Y, acute accent
&#222;ÞCapital THORN, Icelandic
&#223;ßSmall sharp s, German (sz ligature)
&#224;àSmall a, acute accent
&#225;áSmall a, grave accent
&#226;âSmall a, circumflex accent
&#227;ãSmall a, tilde
&#228;äSmall a, tilde
&#229;åSmall a, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#230;æSmall ae dipthong (ligature)
&#231;çSmall c, cedilla
&#232;èSmall e, acute accent
&#233;éSmall e, grave accent
&#234;êSmall e, circumflex accent
&#235;ëSmall e, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#236;ìSmall i, acute accent
&#237;íSmall i, grave accent
&#238;îSmall i, circumflex accent
&#239;ïSmall i, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#240;ðSmall eth, Icelandic
&#241;ñSmall n, tilde
&#242;òSmall o, acute accent
&#243;óSmall o, grave accent
&#244;ôSmall o, circumflex accent
&#245;õSmall o, tilde
&#246;öSmall o, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#247;÷Division sign
&#248;øSmall o, slash
&#249;ùSmall u, acute accent
&#250;úSmall u, grave accent
&#251;ûSmall u, circumflex accent
&#252;üSmall u, dieresis or umlaut mark
&#253;ýSmall y, acute accent
&#254;þSmall thorn, Icelandic
&#255;ÿSmall y, dieresis or umlaut mark