////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// phPie() by James Heinrich // // available at http://www.silisoftware.com /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// This code is released under the GNU GPL: // // http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// v1.1.7 - October 4, 2006 // Submitted by Jake Olefsky (jakeØolefsky*com) * Optional antialiasing * Optional title for chart * Optional outline for image * Separate color for the "Other" slice * If legend on slice would go off the edge of the image, it is truncated v1.1.6 - December 6, 2005 * Bugfix: LegendOnSlices was broken (thanks marcoØdelucamarketing*ch) v1.1.5 - August 10, 2005 * Bugfix: LegendOnSlices was broken when StartAngle other than zero (thanks jose*rui*miraØgmail*com) * Bugfix: "Other" legend text misaligned v1.1.4 - March 6, 2005 * Split demo code out into phPie.demo.php * Split class into phPie.class.php * Split changelog into phPie.changelog.txt * Split readme into phPie.readme.txt * Bugfix: StartAngle wasn't properly utilized (thanks Ben*BraineØipl*com) * CenterX,CenterY,DiameterX,DiameterY now default to null instead of false. v1.1.3 - January 31, 2005 * Background color wasn't being used (thanks rung_rotchØhotmail*com) v1.1.2 - November 20, 2004 * Several bugfixes in case where GD is unavailable v1.1.1 - December 11, 2003 * Added option to display legend text next to slices instead of down side. Enable this by setting LegendOnSlices to true. * Added StartAngle configuration variable * Added SaveFilename configuration variable * Improved gd_version() and added gd_info() for PHP versions prior to 4.3.0 v1.1.0 - December 8, 2003 * Converted functional structure to a class * DisplayColors must now be passed as an array (not a semicolon-seperated list as before) * Corrected minimum PHP version required to 4.0.2 v1.0.4 - January 15, 2003 * Modified gd_version() to handle PHP 4.3.0+'s bundled version of the GD library * Moved the plotting of the pie slice border color for GD v2.0+ to on top of the pie slice fill color - it looks better that way. * Support for passing serialized data if magic_quotes_gpc is off v1.0.3 - October 24, 2002 * added SortData option which will, if set to FALSE, disable sorting the data and plot all data in the order it's supplied, and not combine very small values into "Other" v1.0.2 - October 23, 2002 * prevent flood-filling incorrect areas when slices are very small and GD < v2.0.1 is used Thanks Jami Lowery v1.0.1 - August 12, 2002 * Support for register_globals = off v1.0.0 - May 17, 2002 * initial public release